This whole week was a total mess, all work and no play made me a dull boy. Life itself made its own effort to make a barrier against my will to do anything which could enlighten my motivation to do any assignments given by my lecturers. To say the least all the classes were as boring as the other one except for the creative studies class.
Hip-hop dance class trials were fun though. Tried some moves, and I know I am a sucker. Cudnt keep myself from laughing out, cause there was one girl with a tight labeled "juicy" right over her sweet ass. The chicks were hot and I enjoyed the time.
Nonetheless the little fun I had was quickly drained out by the thoughts of assignments. The last three days of the week were my cat-lifestyle days. Sleeping and dozing off throughout the classes, cursing the lecturers and awake at nights to complete my work, but at last all was paid off by the end off the week by comments from my class mentor, lecturers and a well deserved A+ for the assignments. I felt happier than ever.
The evening before, just after the Hip-hop class, I was wondering whether to take the class seriously or not..but decided to pay the due anyhow. After that, it was a dip in the pool where I soaked and swam for nearly two hours with Shaz (doing Industrial design at Limkok) and his apartment mates, introduced me to a guy named Faisal, from Saudi- where I later on spent the evening at the Indian Fast food place next the condo, talking about anything which could be named "What the fuck, what the hell, and thats so damn sexy".
I was up until three in the mourning at Shaz's place, touring through his Cds, work and pics of their family and friends. When mourning came, I was back in the University..and every day but never came home before the sun touched the sea.
And now it's time for me to enjoy this weekend.. but got one assignment still.
See you guys later..!